Menopause Self-Help Guide

The following tips are taken from "Natural Alternatives to HRT" by Dr. Marilyn Glenville :

Hot Flushes

Supplements Vitamins E and C and a multivitamin. Minerals: magnesium, calcium and chromium. Bioflavonoids.
Herb Agnus castus, yarrow, sage, hops, wild yam, dandelion, dong quai.
Diet Eat soya foods that contain phyto-oestrogens. Drink plenty of mineral water. Avoid spicy foods caffeine, sugar, alcohol and refined foods.
Activity Regular aerobic exercise (walking and swimming). Meditation and yoga for relaxation. Essential oils for the bath: geranium, chamomile, jasmine, ylang ylang.

Mood swings

Supplements Vitamins B complex, E and beta-carotene. Minerals: magnesium and zinc. Bioflavonoids.
Herbs Bach flower remedies, hawthorn valerian, damiana, St John's wort.
Diet Eat vegetable oil, nuts and seeds. Avoid caffeine, sugar, alcohol and refined foods.
Activity Meditation and yoga to relax the nervous system. Essential oils for the bath: chamomile, juniper, basil, ylang ylang, geranium.


Supplements Vitamins B complex, C and E. Minerals: calcium and magnesium. Bioflavonoids.
Herbs Passionflower, chamomile, hops, valerian.
Diet Drink chamomile tea. Avoid caffeine in any drinks. Eat little and often.
Activity Walking in the fresh air. Yoga and meditation to still the mind. Relaxation technique to be used in bed. Warm bath before going to bed with aromatherapy oils: lavender, geranium, marjoram.

Heavy bleeding

Supplements Vitamins A and C. Mineral: iron. Bioflavonoids
Herbs Wild yam, black cohosh, agnus castus.
Diet Avoid red meat, excess dairy products and coffee.

Vaginal dryness

Supplements Vitamin E capsule inserted in the vagina.
Herbs Calendula cream.
Diet Drink plenty of mineral water. Eat linseeds, nuts, seeds and oily fish.
Activity Sexual intercourse and orgasm stimulates blood circulation and lubrication. Pelvic exercises increase blood circulation to the pelvic region.


Supplements Vitamin D. Minerals: boron. magnesium and calcium.
Herbs Nettle tea, boneset leaf, marshmallow root, angelica herb.
Diet Eat dark leafy vegetables, sesame seeds, whole grains. Reduce protein intake and avoid caffeine.
Activity Regular weight-bearing exercise including brisk walking, yoga

Heart disease

Supplements Vitamins C and E and beta-carotene. Essential fatty acids.
Herbs Ginkgo biloba, hawthorn, garlic, ginger.
Diet Avoid saturated fat in the form of dairy products and meat. Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds.
Activity Regular aerobic exercise. Yoga, meditation, t'ai chi to relax the mind and body.

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